The Commission's advisory opinions serve to interpret the laws under the Commission's jurisdiction. Pursuant to K.S.A. 46-254 and K.S.A. 25-4159, any person who acts in accordance with the provisions of such an opinions shall be presumed to have complied with the provisions of the applicable conflict of interests, lobbying, or campaign finance laws.
The Commission issues advisory opinions upon its own initiative and upon the request of any person to whom the relevant law applies. Individuals requesting an opinions must write to the Commission listing all relevant facts and circumstances surrounding his or her request. Opinion requests must be received in the Commission's office no later than ten (10) days prior to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting for consideration at that meeting. The Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month. The Commission will not, as a general rule, issue opinions which relate to a possible violation of relevant law by an identifiable third party. These opinions are printed in the Kansas Register and are available at this Internet web site.
Three easy ways to search for Commission opinions:
- Search by opinions number - enter the opinions number you wish (such as 1999-54) and click on "Get Opinion"
- Search by keyword - enter a keyword (such as gifts) choose the year and area of your search and click on "search"
- List of opinions by area - choose an area of interest from the drop down arrow and click "Get List".