If you have conducted record checks before and you are familiar with the rules and procedures for using Kansas criminal history record
information, please click the following button to continue to the Criminal History Record Check application page. You may also press
any "Perform a Record Check" button at any time to start the process of performing a record check.
Perform a Record Check
If you are a first-time requestor, please review all the information on
this page before continuing. The links below will help you find information on specific types of record checks.
Historical records of arrests and dispositions for criminal activity in Kansas are maintained in the Central Repository at the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. The Central Repository database receives summary information for these events from contributing police departments, sheriff's offices, prosecutors and courts throughout the state.
The criminal history information maintained by the KBI includes felony and misdemeanor arrests, prosecution data, court dispositions and information of incarceration in state-operated confinement facilities. The Central Repository does not contain data from any other state or federal agency.
Kansas Central Repository criminal history records are organized by individual identity so that all the offenses committed by that person are kept in chronological order within a single file. The offenses are associated with the subject of the record based upon fingerprint identification.
When criminal history record information is released, it is printed in an abstract of record commonly referred to as a "rap sheet."
Any individual, company or organization is entitled to obtain criminal history record information from the Kansas Central Repository at the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
The general public may obtain the following types of adult conviction criminal history information:
The general public is not permitted to receive the following types of criminal history record information from the Central Repository:
Name-based record checks are $30.00 per individual.
The following types of record checks are available from the Kansas Central Repository through the mail:
There are two ways to conduct a record check; by name or by fingerprints.
For a name-based record check, you must know the subject's first and last names and date of birth. If you also know the subject's social security number (SSN), middle name, alias names, height, weight, race, place of birth, residence and occupation, these additional items of information may be helpful in locating the record or determining that the subject has no record. For additional information and tips on conducting a name search go to the FAQ page.
Fingerprint identification is the preferred method of searching the Central Repository. The criminal history records in the Central Repository are tied to the fingerprints taken at the time of the subject's arrest and submitted by the arresting agency. If you can obtain a set of fingerprints from the person whose record you are searching, then those fingerprints will be searched against the Central Repository fingerprint database. The accuracy of such a search is almost 100%.
The Kansas Central Repository can search the database of criminal history records either by name or by fingerprint comparison. You may use either method to identify and receive criminal history records.
A fingerprint-based record check will return the types of criminal history information that are permitted by the reason for which the check is conducted. The general public will receive the same information with fingerprints as they do with a name based search. The difference is the identification of fingerprints so the correct record is located.
The most common means of submitting fingerprint is by the traditional method in which "inked and rolled" fingerprints on a cardboard fingerprint card are mailed to the KBI for processing. A new alternative is the electronic capture of fingerprints on a machine known as a "livescan" device. Livescan devices are available at some Police Departments, Jails and Sheriff's Offices in the state. While most livescan submissions are for arrest bookings, civil submissions for public access record checks may be available, especially as this new technology becomes more common.
Fingerprints to be submitted for records checks must be recorded on the current version of the FBI's Applicant Fingerprint Card, FD Form 258. Criminal justice agencies that process applicant fingerprint cards maintain a stock of these cards. If you cannot obtain assistance from your local Police Department or Sheriff's Office, the KBI will provide blank cards for you to use.
To receive FBI fingerprint cards for submission of prints to the Kansas Central Repository, mail your request to:
Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Attn: Criminal History Records Section
1620 SW Tyler
Topeka, KS 66612-1837
Be sure to include your name and mailing address, the type of card you need, the number of persons you will be fingerprinting and the purpose for which you will use the cards.
There is no fee for these cards.
The card must be completed properly before submitting to the KBI for processing. Review the sample card for instructions and guidance.
You may ask a local Police Department or Sheriff's Office to roll the prints onto the required fingerprint card. Although local law enforcement agencies are not obliged to provide this service, generally at least one agency that offers this service can be found in all counties in Kansas. You may be charged a reasonable fee to offset the expense of providing the service. Additional information about law enforcement fingerprint services can be found here.
In larger cities, commercial fingerprinting services may also be found.
Fingerprint hours by appointment only: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fingerprint fee: $10 (due at the time of service)
Appointment phone number: 785-296-4038
Appointment Location:
KBI Headquarters Annex
1631 SW Topeka Blvd
Topeka, KS 66612
Only one Applicant fingerprint card is submitted to the Central Repository for each record check.
Fingerprint based record checks are $45.00 per individual.
The type of criminal history record you can obtain on yourself depends on why you want your record:
When your identity has been verified by submission of fingerprints, the Central Repository will print and mail to you a"rap sheet" with all information contained in your criminal history record. This will include:
The fingerprint card used for personal review of criminal history is the standard FBI Personal Identification fingerprint card, FBI form FD-353. If that card is not available, the standard FBI Applicant fingerprint card, FBI form FD 258 may be substituted.
Personal Identification or Applicant fingerprint cards should be obtained from the agency that offers fingerprinting services. If the agency does not have these cards available, they can be obtained from the KBI. Instructions can be found above in the fingerprint section for obtaining the needed cards.
Only one fingerprint card is submitted to the Central Repository.
The fee for processing the record check and returning the rap sheet is $45.00.
The letter you prepare must properly identify you, establish the reason for your request and provide your mailing address to which the response can be sent. Include the Personal Identification fingerprint card and a check or money order for $45.00. A sample letter is provided for your use.
Do not crease or staple the fingerprint card. Place it in an envelope large enough to hold the card without bending or folding. Regular first-class mailing is sufficient; there is no need to certify or insure the request. The proper mailing address is:
Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Attn: Criminal History Records Section
1620 SW Tyler
Topeka, KS 66612-1837
If you review the rap sheet of your criminal history and believe that it is incorrect or incomplete, you may challenge the record by sending a letter to the KBI explaining what you believe the error to be. Please also include documents that provide the correct information. The mailing address for the KBI is found in the previous section, above.
For example, if your criminal history record shows an arrest without a disposition and you were given a diversion of prosecution by the County Attorney and the District Court, please send us a letter explaining the diversion, to include a copy of the Journal Entry filed by the County Attorney when the diversion was successfully completed. That Journal Entry will be used by the Central Repository to bring your record up-to-date.
Certified record checks are not available on this web site. Requests must be mailed to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, and responses are mailed back.
Print, complete and mail a copy of the Certified Record Check Request form (In English | En Español ) , along with proper payment. This is the proper form for both name-based and fingerprint-based record check requests. You must mail a printed version of this form (not an e-mail) to the KBI. Be sure to include the fingerprint card if that is your means of identification.
If desired, the certified record check can be based on fingerprint card submission rather than a name-based check. For information on submitting fingerprint cards, go to the Fingerprint Card section.
The KBI will mail the record check response to either the requestor or, if desired, to a different addressee.
Name-based certified record checks are currently $40.00
Fingerprint-based certified record checks are $55.00.