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Regular Division and Small Claims Search


Search Tips

At least one field is required to conduct a search.

Information can be obtained by entering details in the various fields on this search page. The more details entered, the more accurate the search results. If the results of a search are too long, more search criteria should be used. Partial information may be entered in a search field, but at least three (3) letters must be entered in each field used.

Docket Number information. A docket number consists of two numbers. The first part is the docket year, and the second part is an assigned consecutive number that is unique to each case within the docket year. Although not included in the search function, there is a third part to a docket number which reflects the case type. For example, an equalization appeal in Regular Division is denoted EQ and an equalization appeal in Small Claims is denoted EQSC. The three parts are separated by dashes.

Applicant information. Generally, the applicant name is the property owner's name as listed on the valuation notice or notification of informal meeting results letter, or the taxpayer's name on a final determination letter. For an individual, enter the last name. To narrow the search, enter the last name first, then the first name, separated by a comma.

Representative information. This field refers to a representative of the applicant, such as a tax representative or an attorney.

Although every effort has been made to ensure that accuracy of this information, there may be circumstances preventing the timely entry of information into the system or there may be search errors. If your search does not show any results, it does not necessarily mean that you do not have a hearing date. Do not assume that a board hearing has been canceled or rescheduled if it does not appear in your search results. The information obtained from this search does not constitute the official record of the Kansas Board of Tax Appeals.

It is the practice of the Board to mail notices of hearing to the parties. It is the mailed notice of hearing that becomes part of the official record of the Board. According to the Board's administrative regulations, it is the responsibility of each applicant/taxpayer to ensure that the Board has their current mailing address on record. A party shall file a written notice of address change with the Board within seven days of a change in mailing address.

If you believe that there is a data-related problem or error with data listed for your case, please contact the Board in writing by email, fax or mail. Please do not call the Board's office. The contact must be in writing and should include the docket number.


The information obtained from this search does not constitute the official record of the Kansas Board of Tax Appeals. The search function is intended as a resource for appellants and taxing authorities, and their representatives, seeking information about their board appearances. The information contained on this site is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal advice. It is made available solely for the purpose of providing general guidance to assist parties with questions about the tax appeals process in Kansas. This information is not authoritative and should not be used as a basis for legal argument. The Board is not responsible for errors or omissions of any of the information provided on the site. The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for advice of legal counsel. Commercial use of this information is not appropriate. Please note that no person shall knowing sell, give or receive, for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to persons listed therein, any list of names and addresses contain in or derived from public records, except as provided by law. See K.S.A. 45-230.