Case Inquiry and Evidence Prelog
Case Inquiry (Download Laboratory Reports/Check Case Status)
Case Inquiry provides law enforcement agencies access to specific information about the status of evidence submitted to the KBI Forensic Science Laboratories for analysis. These agencies can download copies of their submission receipts shortly after their evidence is submitted. Once exams are complete and released by the laboratory, reports are available for download through Case Inquiry. Both submission receipts and laboratory reports are available in PDF format for ease of printing or incorporation into the customer's information management system.
Evidence Prelog (Evidence Submissions)
Prelog is our web-based system available to help expedite the evidence submission process. Evidence Prelog is solely for the law enforcement customers of the KBI Forensic Science Laboratories. The system enables law enforcement agencies to "prelog" evidence submission information prior to delivery to a KBI Forensic Science Laboratory. Once completed, the agency delivers the evidence and printed packing slip to an Evidence Control Center for processing.
Case Inquiry provides law enforcement agencies access to specific information about the status of evidence submitted to the KBI Forensic Science Laboratories for analysis. These agencies can download copies of their submission receipts shortly after their evidence is submitted. Once exams are complete and released by the laboratory, reports are available for download through Case Inquiry. Both submission receipts and laboratory reports are available in PDF format for ease of printing or incorporation into the customer's information management system.
Evidence Prelog (Evidence Submissions)
Prelog is our web-based system available to help expedite the evidence submission process. Evidence Prelog is solely for the law enforcement customers of the KBI Forensic Science Laboratories. The system enables law enforcement agencies to "prelog" evidence submission information prior to delivery to a KBI Forensic Science Laboratory. Once completed, the agency delivers the evidence and printed packing slip to an Evidence Control Center for processing.
Forms and Notices
The following links are made available to assist our customers with gaining access to KCJIS (new users) and to the Laboratory Case Inquiry / Evidence Prelog System.
KCJIS Applications (for new KCJIS users)
Laboratory Case Inquiry Access (Requires a Token)
Laboratory Case Inquiry/Prelog Application
Laboratory Prelog Users Guide - .NET Version
MOU (An agreement between your agency and another agency to download laboratory reports.)
LIMS Administration
Jesse Crockett – (785) 230-3916
Leland Fehr – (785) 250-0209
The LIMS Administrators are located in our Topeka Laboratory.
Topeka KBI Forensic Science Center 2001 SW Washburn Avenue Topeka, KS 66604 (785) 296-1137 |